Board of Directors
- President: Sally Filler (If you have question regarding membership, contact Sally using the form on the bottom of this page)
- Treasurer: Janet Kington
- Secretary: Debbie Kelley
- Past President: Lori Franz
- At Large: Joy Journeay
- At Large: Janet Koda
- Club–South Coast Button Club: Christi Loring
- Club–Southern Oregon Button Club: Debbie Gros
- Club–Corvallis Button Club: Ilse Christensen
- Club–Portland Button Club: Joan Andersen- Wells
- Club–Eugene Button Club: Sandie Olson
- Club–Oregon City Button Club: contact Lori Franz
Other Officers
Parliamentarian: Joy Journeay
Editor: Anne Morgan
Show Chair: Gayle Woods
Dealer Liaison: Joan MacFarlane
Publicity: Lori Franz
Internet Communication: