NBS Favor Buttons Policy

We hope to have enough buttons for everyone!
Only a single Favor Button, or a single set of 5 may be pre-ordered for either mail-order or for pickup after the breakfast.

Since the number is limited, buttons will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis and orders will be filled in the following order. If we run out of buttons, refunds will be issued.

Attending the convention
for picked up
after breakfast)
Not attending the convention
(Mail order on the
registration form)
1. Button GUARANTEED to each
Saturday Breakfast attendee.
2. A limited number will be sold
first-come, first-served after the breakfast by the NBS treasurer.
3. Mail-ordered single Button
4. Pre-ordered 4-buttons
to complete the breakfast set
5. Pre-ordered single button
6. Pre-ordered 5-button set
7. Mail-ordered 5-button set

We ask for your understandings and support for the NBS Convention volunteers. Thank you.

Next year’s NBS convention will be in Springfield IL!

2019 Portland | 2020 cancelled | 2021 Virtual | 2022 Madison WI | 2023 Portland OR