Practice Writing Awards Use this form to practice writing your awards. view past years’ OSBS awards NBS Classification (NBS member link) Your draft award will be displayed on your screen. You may choose to receive your draft in email. Scope OverviewWould you like to review the list of sections first, to align your focus of this award? Yes No Exercise on the Applicable ScopeAlign your focus in this overall view before plunging into writing your award. This step may be skipped. 1 Celluloid 2 Ceramics 3 China 4 Enamels 5 Fabrics/Textiles 6 Glass, Black 7 Glass, Clear and Colored 8 Glass, Mounted in/on Metal 9 Horn 10 Metals 11 Shell 12 Synthetic Polymers 13 Vegetable Ivory 14 Wood 15 Other Materials 16 Materials Summary 17 Animals 18 Objects 19 Plants 20 Other Pictorials 21 Pictorials Summary 22 Patterns, Symbols 23 Specific Types 24 18th Century 25 Usage 26 Complete Summary 27 Related Pairs/Sets Div II Sec. 1 US Div II Sec. 2 Foreign IV 1 Bridle Rosettes IV 2 Buckles/Clasps IV 3 Button Covers, Shoe Button Covers IV 4 Button Hooks IV 5 Costume Trimmings IV 6 Links, Studs IV 7 Netsuke IV 8 Obi Dome IV 9 Other Related Specialties Explore WRBA Button Album to visually look up Classes & Sections. For example, click to view the "6-6.1 embossed/cameo embossed in black glass" buttons currently in the Button Album.Visit National Button Society for the official NBS Classification (Blue Book).Is this a limited award?Do you want to limit entrant qualification? For example, "Limited to those who have never won a ribbon in this class". Yes No Division* [I, III, IX for buttons] Refer to page 3, Division definitions in the 2017-18 NBS Blue Book.IIIIIIIVVIVII-AVII-BIXClass numbers*List all class numbers that apply to this award. Refer to the classification Listing, page 10 in the 2017-18 NBS Blue Book Size*Refer to page 4 in the 2017-18 NBS Blue Book. Large Medium Small Dimunitive Med-Large Mixed Various DescriptionA verbal description of the class with any possible specialization or explanation added to aid in the understanding of the award. Leave blank if the NBS class sufficiently covers your intention of this award. See page 9, Writing an award in 2017-18 Blue Book.Limited to?For example, "Limited to those who never won a ribbon in this class." Or "Limited to OSBS members of less than 3 years."Additional Information pertaining to this awardIf any. (Example: In honor of...)1st Prize $*2nd Prize $*3rd Prize $*Total for this award $*Button Societies require a payment to sponsor an award. The money will be given to the winners.Judging Criteria and Comments to the Awards ChairFocus of award will determine the point system. You may make suggestions here according to your intent, within the confines of the class and the award description. Suggested Criteria 3pts: 2pts: 1pt:Sponsor (club or individual)*Do you want to receive this practice in email?If "No," your draft will be displayed on your screen. Yes No EmailSend this award to yourself. Ask your society's awards chair if a forwarded email may be accepted for their upcoming list of awards. Be sure to make a payment somehow. NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. ↑ back to Top?